On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 10:05:32 -0800, Jake <***@gmail.com>
==>LaPointe started out as a Karla lover who turned on her. I predicted EXACTLY
==>what would happen to Karla on her first job BEFORE she left jail. She is a
==>narcissist and a sociopath, with a personality even a mother can't love.
==>Predicting how people will react to Karla is easy once you understand her.
==>You have to wonder considering the time he had to prepare for Karla coming to
==>work for him if he had a camera or two hidden around the place. Like in his
==>bathroom at his hardware store.
==>Maybe he lying low in preparation for selling those.
==>JB, Harry, Lanze, Ivan, get your cheque books ready you perverts.<g>
Man, you are really grasping now. How sad.
All your predictions turned out to be shit, your
knowledge of this case turned out to be nonexistent,
and now you post crap like this in a clear
demonstration of how desperate you are.
It must be awful for you, eh? Homolka is a free
woman and virtually certain to stay that way, and no
doubt having a lot more fun than you are.
Where are you going to aim your hate now?
The posters on a.f.k-h are dropping away as they lose
interest in a case that's over, so how are you going
to get people to pay attention to you now?
And without Homolka's name in the news day after day,
what in the world are you, with your obvious sexual
obsession with her, going to do for wank material?
Don't hurt yourself.